
One of our top priorities is providing the best service available from any online pharmacy. The way we achieve this is by keeping lines of communication open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for all 365 days of the year. This allows customers to get in contact with whatever issue they are having and for us to find a quick and positive solution.

Is The Answer You Are Looking for On Our FAQ Page?

Before contacting us, check out the FAQ section on our website as this tends to cover most things that customers want to know about the ordering process. In the FAQ section, you will find information about the products we stock, payment options, and why generic medications are so much cheaper than the brand names that traditional pharmacies sell.

What About Information Regarding Deliveries?

There is also a page for Delivery Information, where you can find out about where we deliver to and expected delivery times. Bare in mind that this information can change depending on the time of year, with Christmas purchases taking a little longer the closer an order is placed to the festive season. When orders are dispatched, we email our customers the tracking number that has been assigned to their parcel. This ensures orders can be monitored every step of the way.

Whom Do I Speak to About Returns?

If the reason for contacting us is to discuss the possibility of a return, we advise you to first read the terms and conditions. We do not accept returns due to the fact that we cannot be sure medications have not been tampered with after release from our premises. If there is a problem that is not covered on either the returns page or terms and conditions, please get in contact.

Ways to Contact Us

The best way to get in touch depends on the customer. Some prefer to speak directly to customer services over the phone and therefore choose to use our 24-hour customer service hotline. This allows customers to get a quick response so that they can progress the situation quickly. However, for others, it is a little simpler to use the live chat function, which is just as quick, and easier for people with hearing difficulties.

Another option is to send us an email, although it may take a little longer for a response, all emails are replied to within 24 hours. This can be a great option for more complicated questions or situations where a lot of information is required. It also means the customer has a record of communications with us and that they can ensure they get the support they need.

Here to Help

Although we have a team of professionals available 24/7 if the questions are related to a condition or a medication, it is best to check the blog first. There you will find a plethora of information regarding treatment plans, holistic approaches to remedying disorders, and a whole host of information about the different conditions sells medications for.

No matter how big or small the problem, we are always available to help.