Premature Ejaculation

Welcome to our PE page where we will be taking a deep look into this common condition. Premature ejaculation (or PE) is defined as a consistent inability to control ejaculation reflex, resulting in the release of semen sooner than a man and his partner would prefer. Although taboo and rarely discussed openly, this condition is frequently reported to doctors and is regarded as the most common sexual dysfunction.

Statistics show that in men under the age of 70 years old, 20 - 25% of men experience premature ejaculation, which is a very high number. Treatments vary from behavioural techniques, specialised condoms and medications which can delay ejaculation, allowing users to last longer than they would naturally.

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What is Premature Ejaculation?

This condition is where a man will ejaculate usually less than 1 minute into penetration with their partner, which can leave both partners dissatisfied. At times this can even cause depression and worry in men. PE is completely dependent on what both partners want from their sexual encounters together. Studies conclude that the average time of sexual intercourse is around 5 and a half minutes.

There are 2 distinct types of PE, which are;

  • Primary - Where the problem has been apparent since the patient can remember.
  • Secondary - Where the problem is new and recently became apparent.

Primary premature ejaculation is usually attributed to psychological issues, usually linked to trauma experienced in the past. Secondary, on the other hand, can be physical, psychological or a mix of both.

Can I Get Premature Ejaculation Medication Over the Counter?

Many men who experience PE do not report it to their doctors or look for over the counter premature ejaculation medication in their local chemists due to embarrassment. There are over the counter options such as anaesthetic sprays or creams which reduce sensitivity in the penis, allowing men to last longer. The same substances are used in special condoms which have the same effects.

Some men find these treatments effective, however, when they are compared with prescription medications, they are not as effective. SSRI medications, such as dapoxetine, are the most commonly prescribed medications to treat this condition. Some men even find relief from this problem by using PDE5 inhibitors, such as Sildenafil.

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Can I Get Premature Ejaculation Medication Online?

Yes, online pharmacies offer premature ejaculation medication with home delivery anywhere within the EU, without requirements for prescriptions. Due to the growth of online shopping and an increased demand for affordable medications, obtaining these medications is as easy as ever before. Online pharmacies also stock a large quantity of medications for many other conditions.

Treatments will be more successful when medications for PE are combined with some simple lifestyle changes. Practising Kegel exercises, utilizing the squeeze technique and the stop-start technique, commonly known as edging, can help men train themselves to control their ejaculation reflex. By training themselves, men can be able to ejaculate and finish when they choose to, benefitting both themselves and their partner.

Does Premature Ejaculation Medication Have Side Effects?

SSRI medications are usually prescribed to treat people with depression; however, they have been prescribed off label as premature ejaculation medications. Dapoxetine is prescribed exclusively to treat PE, despite it being an SSRI. Some of the side effects which may be experienced with this treatment option are;

  • Blurred vision
  • Tiredness
  • Sweating

Although these are some of the most common side effects which are experienced, they are still very rare. Usually, when you allow this medication enough time, side effects will gradually reduce in severity until they are no longer felt. If side effects persist, a doctor should be contacted for advice. For a full list of side effects, please read the patient information leaflet on our website.

Is Premature Ejaculation Medication Safe for all Men?

Most prescription premature ejaculation medications are to be taken by men between the ages of 18 and 70. Elderly patients should speak with their local doctors before beginning any treatments for this condition, just to be safe. For most men, premature ejaculation medications for are completely safe, even the generic medications which are available from online pharmacies.

Generic medications are safe due to the Office of Generic Drugs regulating generic manufacturers. The OGD are an organisation founded by the FDA in an effort to make sure that generic medications maintain the same high standards as their predecessors who invented the medication. By doing this, generic medications are guaranteed to be of the same strength, quality and effectiveness.

What Are the Benefits of Premature Ejaculation Medication?

By using premature ejaculation medication, men who suffer from PE can look forward to extending the intimate time they spend with their partners. By eliminating the worry surrounding this condition, men can take more time to focus on the more important things in their lives. By using these medications with lifestyle changes and exercises, men can overcome PE, regardless of how severe.

Kegel exercises help men to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for controlling the retention of seamen during sex. By regularly exercising the pelvic floor muscles, men can increase the control of their ejaculation reflex and last longer in the bedroom. Additionally, eating a balanced diet and hydrating regularly can add additional benefits to these practices.

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Buy Premature Ejaculation Medication Online in the Nederlands

Men from the Netherlands who are looking to purchase premature ejaculation medication do not need to look elsewhere. Our online pharmacy stocks many options for the treatment of PE, including SSRI medications and PDE5 inhibitors. We also have products which compound both types of medication, to get the benefits of both in one formulation.

Just browse through our stock list and select the medications you wish to add to your cart. Once everything you need is selected, go to the checkout to make a secure payment by Visa, MasterCard or Bitcoin (BTC). Once payments are completed, we will send out your plainly packaged order immediately.

Last longer in bed with the very best premature ejaculation medication. Order today at

Dr Jelle Van Den Bonk
Reviewed by:

Dr Jelle Van Den Bonk

Dr Jelle Van Den Bonk is a renowned pharmaceutical doctor, specialising in the development and regulation of new medicines. With over twenty years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr Van Den Bonk has played a key role in the development of several innovative treatments for a wide range of medical conditions.

Last Reviewed: 15th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025


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