
This medication is a generic formulation of the original product, Levitra. In a joint marketing venture, GlaxoSmithKline, Bayer Pharma and Schering-Plough worked together to promote this product in different countries. Since October 2018, the patent on this medication has been public property, allowing generic manufacturers to make their own products such as Vardenafil, which uses the exact same formula.

Vardenafil is a treatment for men who have been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition which prevents a man from achieving an erection sufficient for penetration. ED is a condition that affects 14 per cent of European men over the age of 40, a percentage which only grows exponentially as ages get higher. The causes vary from psychological to physical and occasionally, a mixture of both.

Generic medications like Vardenafil are now available to be purchased through online pharmacies which do not need to see a prescription first. By shopping online, people can save a lot of money as generic medications are much cheaper but just as efficient. Time can also be saved by avoiding waiting rooms and long queues at the high street chemists. More benefits of online shopping will be covered later in this article.

What is Erectal Problems

Who Uses Vardenafil?

The main use of Vardenafil is to treat erectile dysfunction in male patients. ED is a condition which affects many men across the world and cases are climbing, with experts expecting 322 million cases by the year 2025. This medication is a very effective solution to treating this problem, giving men a product which can remedy symptoms in less than an hour, on average.

In order to treat ED effectively, men should be trying to find the root cause of the problem and work to fix it at the source. However, some people may have conditions which have impaired the physiological functions of the body, resulting in ED. Sometimes, existing condtions may warrant prescriptions for other medications which can cause ED, such as anti-depressant SSRI medications and painkillers which reduce sensitivity.

Other causes are connected to hormonal changes; as the male body ages, testosterone levels begin to reduce, causing problems with libido and sexual function. On top of these, a small percentage of cases are attributed to psychological factors like stress, anxiety and depression, among more. Whatever the case or its causes, Vardenafil will be able to promote blood flow and help men achieve erections.

How Does Vardenafil Work?

To put it simply, Vardenafil prevents the release of a natural enzyme which diminishes the signalling molecule responsible for dilating blood vessels in the penis when sexually aroused. By preventing the release of this enzyme, the levels of the cell messenger responsible for erections remain high, making it easier to achieve and sustain an erection for longer periods of time.

The body will create Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) to reduce the amounts of Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and cause the erection to fade when it is no longer necessary. Vardenafil is a member of the class of drugs known as PDE5 inhibitors, which stop the release of PDE5. Because of this effect, the blood vessel walls remain consistently relaxed due to greater amounts of cGMP being present in the body.

Although Vardenafil can help men sustain a rigid penis long enough for sexual intercourse, it cannot heighten a mans desire to have sex with his partner. Aside from helping with ED treatment, improved blood flow has other advantages. Healthy blood flow is necessary for maintaining good health; in fact, it helps the body fight off illnesses and infections by enabling blood cells to get to the afflicted areas more quickly.

Vardenafil Dosage Guide

Vardenafil comes in tablets which can be taken orally. It is often taken as needed, 60 minutes prior to sexual activity. This medication is less affected by food than other medications which contain Sildenafil, so it can be taken with or without food. When dosages are administered, they should be taken as directed by a medical professional and never taken in larger amounts or more frequently than advised.

Dosages of Vardenafil usually come in 20mg sizes. When beginning treatment using this medication, doctors may suggest that people start with a reduced dosage amount to test how sensitive they are to the medication. Although reduced dosages may be increased if they are not delivering the desired effects, the daily amount of 20mg should not be exceeded in any event.

This medication should only be administered once every 24 hours to prevent interaction between separate dosages. The reason for this is that Vardenafil remains in the system for 24 hours, although peak blood concentration is achieved after 1 hour of administration. When recommended dosages are followed properly and enough time is given between them, this medication will induce nothing but positive effects in users.

How Long Does Vardenafil Last?

After 30 minutes to 1 hour from ingesting Vardenafil, users will begin to feel the effects. The effects of this medication can be felt for around 4 - 6 hours once they begin. Despite this, many men report that the effects can last much longer as the medication can remain in the system for up to 24 hours. As previously mentioned, 24 hours should be left between dosages to allow the system to clear the last dose.

Allowing the body 24 hours to process the last dose gives enough time for the body to completely expel any traces before taking the next dose. Doing this drastically reduces the chances of experiencing an adverse reaction to Vardenafil, which is possible when 2 dosages clash with one another. If the medication does not work effectively, 24 hours should still be given before taking any more.

Several things can prolong the effects of Vardenafil. Although this medication is more suitable to take with food compared to other ED medications on the market, foods which are high in salts and fats can slow down the digestion process. The same can be said about grapefruit or grapefruit juice, which should be avoided when taking any medications, as it can provoke negative reactions and prolonged effects.

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Does Vardenafil Have Side Effects?

Yes, every medication carries risks and Vardenafil is no different. Understanding how to use a medication properly before starting treatment is key to minimizing the chances of experiencing any side effects. Most of the side effects of this medication are mild and completely manageable. When enough time is given for the medication to be broken down by the body, side effects will normally go away on their own.

Some of the more common side effects listed for Vardenafil are;

  • Flu like symptoms
  • Flushing in the face
  • Heartburn
  • Feeling faint

Although these side effects are minor and will mostly subside on their own, they should not be ignored if they continue for a long time.

Some rare side effects which are listed for Vardenafil are, but are not limited to;

  • Hives
  • Loss of vision
  • Changes of colour in vision
  • Hoarse throat

Minimizing the chances of side effects can be done by being completely honest with healthcare givers about medical histories and known allergies to other medications. Additionally, people should always try to drink enough water during the medicated period. For the complete list of Vardenafil side effects, go to the patient information leaflet found on our website.

Is Vardenafil Safe?

This medication should typically only be used once per 24 hours. Doctors might advise taking vardenafil less often if people have certain medical problems or are using specific medications which may interact with Vardenafil. People should ask their doctors or pharmacists to explain any instructions on prescription labels or patient leaflets that they are unsure about following.

When taken in accordance with proper usage, this medication is completely safe. As Vardenafil is a generic medication, it is completely copying the pioneering medication Levitra in its dosage sizes, strengths and efficacy. By emulating the existing product, Vardenafil is just as safe as the original and should be taken in the same way, using the same dosage sizes and interval times.

All of this is regulated by the FDA through a department called the Office of Generic Drugs which oversees the manufacturing facilities, the packaging process and of course the final product. Even though this product is just as safe as the original, people who are taking medication which is similar to Vardenafil should exercise caution before starting treatment. Just to be safe, speaking with a doctor would be advised first.

What Are the Benefits of Vardenafil?

Despite being a go-to treatment for erectile dysfunction, the benefits of improved blood flow that Vardenafil can give extend to help people in other ways. Improved blood flow can help our immune systems, our hearts and the health of the brain. By delivering oxygen more efficiently to our organs and cells within our bodies, it can promote healing and even fight off signs of dementia, according to studies.

According to research from Harvard University, those who take ED medication were 69% less likely to get dementia-related symptoms. In addition, Vardenafil can help men overcome any anxiety they may have about their performance in the bedroom. It is no secret that the fear of erectile dysfunction can actually be the driving force behind the problem itself.

By purchasing Vardenafil online people can avoid the crowds found on the high street, save money on their purchases and preserve their privacy. On top of this, there is no need to travel between destinations like the clinic and the pharmacy which can be far for some. Online pharmacies even offer discounts on large orders additional to their already low prices for all of the medications on their broad stock lists.

Reviews of Vardenafil

Reviews can be the deciding factor at the point of sale, they can even help companies understand what they are doing correctly and what needs to be changed. When browsing through our product list, you will see many medications and underneath each of the products will be a space at the bottom to leave feedback about the product. Additionally, people can comment on their experiences with our ordering process.

By providing feedback, new customers can read about the previous experiences of past customers and make an informed decision if a specific product is right for their treatment needs. Reviews also prove that a supplier is legitimate and cares about the experiences of their customers. For a long while now, we have been compiling a stock list of the best medications available for various treatments.

One of our most popular products, Vardenafil, has many reviews left by some of our loyal customers. After reading our articles and blogs about our products, further research can be conducted by reading the reviews left by our customers. We highly encourage you to leave your own review if you do decide to buy any product from our online pharmacy, as it would be helping us and others who are similarly looking for medication.

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Buy Vardenafil in the Netherlands

Men in the Netherlands need not look any further if they are looking for Vardenafil at ultra-competitive rates. Our online pharmacy has this product in stock as well as many other medications to treat erectile dysfunction and other common conditions. Just take a look through our product page to see what we have to offer. Once you have found what you are looking for, just add the quantity needed to your cart.

When your order is ready, head to the checkout page to make a payment. Payments are handled by Bitcoin, Mastercard and Visa and once received we will pack your medications into blank envelopes to ensure confidentiality. Another way we keep your orders discreet is by not showing any information on statements which refer to our website or the products purchased.

Deliveries can be made to destinations in the Netherlands within 4 - 7 business days and in the rest of Europe, within 5 - 7 business days. For any other questions, please be sure to message our customer services team who can reply instantly through the live chat feature at the bottom of our website.

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Dr Jelle Van Den Bonk
Reviewed by:

Dr Jelle Van Den Bonk

Dr Jelle Van Den Bonk is a renowned pharmaceutical doctor, specialising in the development and regulation of new medicines. With over twenty years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, Dr Van Den Bonk has played a key role in the development of several innovative treatments for a wide range of medical conditions.

Last Reviewed: 15th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025


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